






IT is concerned about the environment and implements many things to better our community. The World Community Grid is an organization that strives to find a cure for cancer, 艾滋病, 还有其他健康问题. IT的帮助:

  • Utilizing the World Community Grid during the computer's processor idle phase; http://www.worldcommunitygrid.org
  • Currently running over 3600 instances of the World Community Grid at bet亚洲365欢迎投注's main campus, 还有扩展站点. Marist has been a leading WCG contributor since 2005.
  • 积累1,416,488,178点, 等于/ 2,100+ years of computing by the middle of June 2009, that we have shared with the World Community Grid;
  • Marist ranks second in the world for using idle processor time for computational science.


  • 支持我们的环保行动, 信息技术 has begun using 30 percent recycled paper in all computer labs, and has achieved more than a 50 percent reduction in paper usage since installing the duplex option on all lab printers in 2007. This upgrade has saved approximately 800,000 pages, or more than 150 cases of paper per year. 进一步, our 工作人员 has worked hard to consolidate the number of servers in use, thus helping to reduce the College's carbon footprint. 除了服务器整合之外, power monitoring has been enabled on Marist's IBM BC12 mainframe, and a power audit of all systems is underway.  A power monitoring system was installed in the Enterprise Computing Research Laboratory to track power usage.
  • IT正在做的绿色的事情

  • IT收集打印机墨盒, 比如激光, 喷射墨水, and ink cartridges to ship to a recycling center.
  • IT separates and recycles bottles and paper.
  • IT recycles outdated hardware and data tapes.
  • Our Digital Production Center reuses paper by making various sizes of scratch pads.
  • IT saves hundreds of thousands of pages of paper by not printing, but archiving data.
  • IT回收纸板包装.
  • 节能联想液晶显示器
    • 能源之星4.0的
    • TCO.03兼容
    • EPEAT银兼容
  • Monitors go into "Standby" or "Sleep" after being idle for a period of time allowing them to use minimal power.
  • 节能台式电脑
    • 重复黄金评级
  • 所有实验室双面打印(双面打印)
  • Labs and any offices on campus who acquire their printer paper from our Digital Publication Center use paper that is 30% post-consumer waste.
  • Software as a Service is used where appropriate, where services are delivered via a virtualized cloud of technology resources.
  • 教师, 工作人员, and student self-service systems have eliminated many paper based processes and moved them fully online.
  • Web conferencing is used where appropriate.
  • Creation of an online RideShare application for our faculty, 工作人员 and students has resulted in lowered gasoline consumption and reduced transportation-related greenhouse emissions.
  • When computers are removed from the classroom they are rebuilt and granted to local non-profit organizations for reuse.
  • 减少服务器, 以及减少能源消耗, is mandated as a performance criteria for managers. 到目前为止, 10 large servers have been retired and the entire web infrastructure has been moved to our IBM mainframe. Since this mainframe is extremely green, the gross reduction in Kilowatts and BTUs has been a one-for-one yield.
  • Changed from a cube-based furniture interior design to a collaborative workspace, resulting in a 38% floor usage increase (accommodating 8 workstations where there were previously 5).
  • Raising the HVAC temperature in the Data Center has resulted in the condensers power cycling less frequently netting energy savings.  Also in the Enterprise Computing Research Laboratory, free cooling is used on lower temperature days, allowing the colder air outside to cool this room instead of additional power running through the HVAC unit.
  • Saving almost a million pounds of Carbon-Dioxide and over 45,000 gallons of gas by hosting orientations on iLinc from May 2005 to the present.


This year's offering from Lenovo to our incoming first-years includes a wide range of 能源之星4.0兼容笔记本电脑.

The X300 laptop is the "Greenest ThinkPad ever.此外, ThinkPad X300 is the first Lenovo notebook rated EPEAT Gold for low energy use and minimal impact on the environment. It also meets the European Union's Reduction of Hazardous Substances standards. 它是能源之星4.0合格.

The X300 uses 25% less energy than previous X Series models. What else makes the ThinkPad X300 so "green"?

  • Energy-saving low voltage processors, LED backlit displays and solid state storage drives
  • Arsenic-free glass / Mercury-free displays
  • 90%可回收包装(按重量计)
  • 还有更多


Lenovo is committed to protecting our natural environment; our products have long been known for being environmentally friendly. And now we're especially proud that our latest notebooks carry the new 能源之星4.0 label attesting to their superior efficiency and low emissions.